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Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We started our Labor Day weekend out with a bang on Friday night. Joe came home early from work so we decided to go out to dinner. When his brother caught wind of this, he asked if him and his family could join us and we said of course. The kids were great! There was a little bit of musical chairs, some mini meltdowns and more french fries eaten than chicken but hey you take what you can get out of 3 kids under 5 at a busy restaurant on a Friday night.

This is the best shot out of about 20- oh well it's not perfect but it's still cute

Saturday we laid low. We had some house and lawn work to do and I wasn't feeling too well. I've had a bit of a cold for the past couple of days. I didn't leave the house at all except to ride in the car to Tijuana Flats to pick up dinner. Joe actually was the one driving but I just needed a change of scenery for 10 minutes.

Oh these cups!
I think we stacked them about 10000 times that day
And clapped after each time the tower was complete

No lazy Saturday is complete without a Daddy/Doggie nap
{He's gonna kill me when he sees this}

The highlight of the weekend hands down was taking Aubs to the zoo for the first time. Obviously she didn't understand everything that was going on but she had a blast running around like a maniac.



She absolutely loved the elephants like her Mama
She stood there for a good 10 minutes just staring at them



She also loved the carousel. She was not a happy camper when it stopped and we had to get off

Strawberry ice cream was a quick cure for the tears




The animals were great. I was nervous that a lot of them wouldn't be out because it was so hot but most of them were. We loved the chimps, they put cirque du soleil to shame.

Aubs favorite part by far was the splash zone. We didn't plan on letting her play in them but there was really no stopping her.

This is her about 10 minutes after we got in the car to go home- she was beat.

The last leg of our Labor Day Weekend was today when we went to a bbq at Joe's brother's house. It was just a nice time to relax with family and friends. Aubs loved playing with the boy's toys and everyone got in on some puzzle action with the kids. Best of all everyone surprised me with a yummy Carvel ice cream cake because my birthday is this Wednesday.








My weekend was fabulous! How was yours?

I am linking up with lowercase letters and Life Made Lovely
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. what a fun filled weekend, indeed! and happy birthday beautiful mama!!! and gosh, your girl is so pretty.

  2. what an awesome weekend - happy birthday!

  3. Your weekend looked awesome!! I love the zoo pics - I find that each time I take my daughter she experiences a little more than the last. I'm jealous of all the different animals yours has!! And your daughter is adorable!! Happy birthday : )

  4. what a great weekend! I didn't realize that penguins bite, but then again, I never gave it much thought. Happy Birthday!

  5. Wow! That zoo looks great - ours is so tiny.

    Happy birthday!!


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