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I chopped about 8 inches off my hair and dyed it blonder. You like? I promise to do a proper post on it with non insta pictures.
Today I am linking up with Harvesting Kale & This Amazing Day for their new currently link-up.
This is what I have been up to:
Cooking: Healthier. I was doing really good for awhile about eating healthy and then I fell off the past couple of weeks. I am trying to cook with more veggies, which is kind of hard because my husband isn't a fan of fresh tasting food. Isn't that the weirdest thing you've ever heard? Last night I made The Pioneer Woman's summer stir fry from her cookbook- it was delicious.
Wearing: Like Randalin, I have been wearing a ton of skirts and dresses. I'm starting to get very very pregnant and the jersey maxi and knee length skirts from Old Navy are sooooo comfortable. I am usually one of those girls who throws on sweats and takes off her bra as soon as she walks in the door but I leave these skirt on all night- bra is still off though.
Wanting: A faster metabolism so that I can eat ice cream on a daily basis. Yeah I know, not going to happen.
Listening to: Well this morning when the little one was at preschool I was listening to "Skinny Love" by Birdy and "Shake it Out" by Florence + The Machine on Spotify on repeat.
Watching: The Hubs and I are currently a little obsessed with Game of Thrones. We finished the 1st season and are about half way through the second. Could you imagine living during times like that? So brutal but I guess you know what you know. It's not like they could turn on the television or open the computer and see how the better half lives.
What have you guys been up to lately?
I know this is probably annoying but I am so pumped to be in the top 25. Could you please help us stay there?

Hi Friends! Top Baby Blogs has reset and I was just wondering if you'd be so kind to click on over and vote for this little blog of mine. Last time around I joined in on the fun too late and never got my rank past 130 so I am aiming higher this time. It's just two clicks. Thanks so much!

Nothing much new this week on the pregnancy front. I guess this is when I regret not doing one of those little survey things everyone else does for each week of their pregnancy. I just feel like on a week to week basis, not much changes. What has been going on this week is that the reality that I am running out of time being a mom of one child is approaching and it's approaching fast. I don't think there is really any good way to prepare because no situation is ever exactly the same. When people ask me if I can believe that I am having another, my response is the same as when I was pregnant with Aubs, "It won't feel totally real until we bring her home from the hospital." Do you remember that feeling of walking into your house for the first time with a brand new baby? It all feels so strange. I remember my mother in-law saying, "where do you want me to lay her down," right after we brought Aubrey home and I had no idea. I mean Aubs had never really been in my house before, I didn't know where I wanted to lay her down. Sure I had plenty of options- crib, pack n' play, bouncer, anywhere really but I didn't know what she would like or what I would like her to be. Now it's almost time for us to go through that awkward beginning phase again.
I am also nervous about the amount of work that having two kids will be. I guess I'm not really nervous about the work really just how I am going to juggle it all. I want to be able to care for the baby as best I can while still being an attentive mama to Aubs. I feel like I will always be short changing someone. I suppose I will figure it all out as I go because I'm definitely not the first person to ever have more than one child and surely I won't be the last. I would love some advice from all my other mama friends of two out there. How did you manage it in the beginning?

If you follow me on facebook or twitter you already know that we have been having a rough time with potty training. It's not that I'm frustrated that she isn't completely potty trained, I frustrated that she pretty much never goes on the potty ever. Let me start at the beginning. I bought Aubs a potty when she turned 18 months old. I had no real plans of starting to potty train that early, I just wanted to get her familiar with it and maybe have her sit on it occasionally. We didn't do much except talk about the potty until she was about 22 months. Then I decided to start having her sit on the potty more frequently. I would have her sit on it when she woke up in the morning and after nap time and then maybe one more time through out the day and then before bedtime. We lucked out and she peed on the potty once before bed. We celebrated this little victory with her and gave her a lollipop. Yes, a lollipop before bed. It was all I had and I didn't want the opportunity of rewarding her for her first time on the potty to slip by. It carried on like this for a couple of weeks or so without any success so I decided that maybe she wasn't ready yet. I still would sit her on the potty and talk about it but I wasn't as strict.
When Aubs turned two I decided to step up my game by getting a few potty books and having her wear underwear when we were at home. I also bought a seat to put on the big potty because I had some friends tell me that their kids preferred that over using the little potty. I basically did the same things as I mentioned above with the books mixed in plus an Elmo potty video. Again nothing really changed. She would either wait until I put a diaper on her to go or occasionally until she was out of my sight and then pee on the floor. Then about 3 weeks ago she started holding herself when she had to pee which I was so excited about. I figured now that I knew exactly when she had to go it would be so easy. Well, I was wrong. She would sit on the potty for 30-40 minutes and not go. Occasionally she would let out a tiny trickle and then freak out that she was peeing and hold the rest in. If anything this just made our potty training more time intensive. She spent two plus hours a day sitting on the potty singing songs and reading but not peeing or pooping.
Last week I decided that I would do a whole morning of hardcore potty training because obviously the slow approach wasn't working at all.`I tried to gave her a bunch of juice, water & milk which she wouldn't drink much of after an hour or two because she realized what I was doing. I followed her around like a hawk. We played together all morning, barely had the t.v. on and spend tons of time reading on the potty. Six and a half hours later and still no pee or poo I decided to wave my white flag and lay her down for a nap. If you're wondering if the six is a typo, it is not. My two year old held it for 6 1/2 hours.
I put a cloth diaper on her so that hopefully she would feel it more and then I put her in her crib. Two hours later when she woke up- her crib was soaked. I guess I should have figured it would be but her Fuzzi Bunz are usually really absorbent, I guess not for nearly 7 hours old held in pee. Yeah so basically potty training sucks.
What's the point of this post? I don't know I guess to vent and to let anyone else in a similar situation know that they aren't the only one. I feel like the only one in this boat right now. I have heard of kids being hard to train but not any who never go on the potty, like ever. I just thought that if I made the effort then it would happen or a least start to happen. She is such a smart kid in all other aspects of life. Maybe a little too smart and strong willed, I suppose. I am just going to keep leaving her in just underwear at home and on short trips out. I am going to keep talking and reading to her about the potty. I am going to keep sitting her on the potty when she holds herself and does the potty dance. I mean she has to get it at some point right?
***side note- she sees me "use the potty" all the time because she follows me in nearly everytime, lately she has been telling me, "Good job, Mommy" after I go.

Yeah I know this isn't the best bump picture ever but we spent the day at Disney World today and I was too exhausted to take a picture when we got home. Fortunately my enormous belly seems to sneak into most pictures these days. Plus Aubs looks super cute dancing so I figured, why not? Plus it let's you see the full on effect of how large and in charge I am getting.
So things are looking up this week. If you have been following along you know that I had a little bit of a scare last week but then it turned out to not be as big of a deal as I thought it was. You can read out it here & here if you're out of the loop and curious. So as of right now- pregnant life is good and the baby became viable outside the womb this week. Not that I would want anything to happen where the baby needed to be but it is a sort of wake up call on how real this whole pregnancy thing is. When my pregnancy ends a real living and breathing baby will be here, yikes! So scary and exciting at the same time.
One little pitfall this week is that I have been wanting sweets soooooo bad. Mainly chocolate or ice cream which is pretty terrible for you. I have to kill the cravings so I don't end up gaining a million pounds because I have done pretty well in the weight gain department so far. I just have to stop buying it and stop making my husband drive to Dairy Queen for me a couple of times a week.
Do you guys have any unhealthy cravings? How did you deal with them?
I love names. Just ask my mom, I have been telling her my baby names since as long as I can remember. She always said the same thing, "You will change it a million times before the time comes." She was totally right. It is one thing to say what you'd like to name your hypothetical baby and another to actually name a living breathing human being.
I think the reason I love names so much is because I love my name. Neither my first or middle name is very popular, Mallory Tyler. {Thanks Mom} I loved that I rarely bump into anyone with my name, it makes me feel special. My husband whose name is Joe thinks I'm crazy because I get all giddy when there is a character in a book or a movie with my name. I guess when I really think about it is silly but hey it's my thing.
I had always hoped to give my kids names that were a little bit different. Not completely off the wall just names that weren't over used. I failed a little bit on that with Aubrey. While her name isn't Olivia or Sophia, it's still a bit more common than I had hoped for. I guess I just didn't expect people to be so nasty about my name choices. I knew people would have opinions but I personally have always been sensitive towards pregnant women when they told me the names that they were throwing around. I wouldn't go as far as saying that I would like it if I didn't but I would politely say it wasn't my favorite name. I have found that I am nicer than most people when it comes to this. With Aubs, my husband really loved the name and it seemed like the name that I got the least amount of shit for from everyone else so I just went with it.
This baby is probably going to be my last so I am standing my ground this time. I was telling people what names I was thinking about when they asked but now I have decided to keep my choices to myself for the most part. The name that I absolutely love has turned out to be very much hated by my husband's family. My mom actually loves the name and most of my friends do too but all the negativity I got had me a little bummed out. While that name isn't my final choice, it is still definitely in the running regardless of the naysayers.
Okay ladies- tell me your favorite girl's names.
I am also linking up with my girl, Jenna. You should head on over and check out her blog because she is expecting a little one right after mine is due.

As you know if you have been following along, I was a little bit skeptical about the original gender reading of my baby. I read online and a few people had told me that 16 week gender scans can sometimes be wrong for various reasons such as a boy's testicles(sorry for using the T word) not dropping yet. I just figured we would get our girl conformation at our 20 week ultrasound. Unfortunately at that scan the tech was unable to tell and she was also unable to get a good view of the brain so she had me scheduled for an upper level scan at a high risk doctor at 23 weeks. At that scan that were able to tell that she was indeed a girl- hip hip hooray!
Now back to the high risk doctor part. I would a complete liar if I told you that just being scheduled for an ultrasound at a high risk doctor didn't scare the shit out of me. I would also be lying if I didn't tell you that my heart was literally pounding out of my chest when the ultrasound tech told me the procedure of her doing the measurements and then having the doctor come in and viewing the scan with her to talk about any potential issues. Luckily nothing appears to be seriously wrong with the baby except that her head and her abdomen are measuring a bit small. They told me that my measurements are showing that the baby's growth is 9 days behind my predicted due date. This could mean a number of things. It could mean that my due date is off, my baby is just on the small side or she hasn't had a big growth spurt yet. It could also mean a handful of really scary things. I go back in 6 weeks to make sure that she is growing adequately. It was suppose to be 4 but the doctor is on vacation, how convenient. I am a little bit terrified but I'm trying to remain positive and hope for the best.