As you know if you have been following along, I was a little bit skeptical about the original gender reading of my baby. I read online and a few people had told me that 16 week gender scans can sometimes be wrong for various reasons such as a boy's testicles(sorry for using the T word) not dropping yet. I just figured we would get our girl conformation at our 20 week ultrasound. Unfortunately at that scan the tech was unable to tell and she was also unable to get a good view of the brain so she had me scheduled for an upper level scan at a high risk doctor at 23 weeks. At that scan that were able to tell that she was indeed a girl- hip hip hooray!
Now back to the high risk doctor part. I would a complete liar if I told you that just being scheduled for an ultrasound at a high risk doctor didn't scare the shit out of me. I would also be lying if I didn't tell you that my heart was literally pounding out of my chest when the ultrasound tech told me the procedure of her doing the measurements and then having the doctor come in and viewing the scan with her to talk about any potential issues. Luckily nothing appears to be seriously wrong with the baby except that her head and her abdomen are measuring a bit small. They told me that my measurements are showing that the baby's growth is 9 days behind my predicted due date. This could mean a number of things. It could mean that my due date is off, my baby is just on the small side or she hasn't had a big growth spurt yet. It could also mean a handful of really scary things. I go back in 6 weeks to make sure that she is growing adequately. It was suppose to be 4 but the doctor is on vacation, how convenient. I am a little bit terrified but I'm trying to remain positive and hope for the best.

I'm sure that everything is going to be fine, but just to be on the safe side, I'll keep you and your little girl in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm SURE too, everything will be just fine. SO excited for you M!
ReplyDeleteI know you're scared but I'm sure everything is gonna be okay, mama. Hang in there!