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Friday, August 17, 2012

Great Baby Boutiques- Kivelli Baby Giveaway


If you're anything like me you like unique baby items. The best place to find these items is through specialty boutiques. Luckily we now have the online world to help us find these great shops and items. A boutique that I recently stumbled upon is Kivelli Baby. All of their items are beyond beautiful and the quality is top notch.

Kivelli Baby carries everything from blankets to children's jewerly to booties but the item that I would really like to talk to you about is Kivelli Baby's travel blankets. The idea of the travel blankets is absolutely genius. They are just like your child's favorite soft blanket but a bit smaller to prevent bulk and drag. They also have some great extras that will have you and your little loving this blanket in no time. The front of the blanket has a pouch where you can store a snack, extra binkies(aka pacifier) or any of your on the go essentials. There is also small hook where you can hang your child's favorite toy or even tether that binky to prevent it from dropping. On top of all those great features it also comes in beautiful damask prints.

Wouldn't you love to win one in the color of your choice?


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mallory you always find the cutest things ever! The damask blanket is beautiful! about 2 more weeks or sooner til your little girl is here! Im hoping for Sept 1st! :)

  3. Even though I don't know what I'm having, I'd take the chance and get pink. It's a beautiful, more girly blanket to me and I'd gift it if I didn't have a girl!

  4. I like the whitish one - can't find the color name. ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'd get the ivory
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  7. OMGOSH. LOVE these!!LOVE the ivory.

  8. I would pick the Ivory color! beautiful!

  9. I would get the Ivory! beautiful!

  10. i would pick the pinkish one. can't find the official color on the site.

  11. I like the tan shaded one. I can't find the name of the color either.
    Tamar Swe RC/FB

  12. I would choose blue!!

  13. I like the beige/tan color.
    805chick7 at gmail dot com

  14. i love the pink :)


  15. I like the beige (but only because I dont know what gender yet!)

  16. id choose the blue SKU #: MD-TB-BRBL

  17. I would choose the Pink.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  18. I like the Ivory best, it's good for boys and girls


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