I am combining my 29th and 30th week because I hit the 30 week mark tomorrow and that way if I get to my 40th week I will still be able to post about it. Anyway, back to the important stuff. This past week has been a fantastic time in my pregnancy and full of good news. On Monday we went to my second high risk ultrasound. I had one previously at 23 weeks because they weren't able to get the readings that they wanted in a standard ultrasound. During that ultrasound, they found that the baby was measuring small and wanted to see me again in 6 weeks to make sure that the baby was growing. Well she isn't measuring small anymore, yay! She looks absolutely perfect and is weighing in at about 2 lbs. 12 oz and in the 47 percentile. We got the clearance that we no longer need to see the high risk doctor.
My second batch of good news came this morning at my 30 week check-up. I don't have gestational diabetes. Can I get a hell yeah? I failed my one hour glucose test and had to do the three hour which sucked but at least the results came back good. On my second blood draw(they do four) my numbers were only 2 points below what they consider high so I do have to watch my carb and sugar intake a little bit. I am 100% fine with this because now I don't need to check my blood sugar 4 times a day and I don't have to go in for non-stress tests once a week for my last month of pregnancy. I was convinced that I probably had it again so I am over the moon that I don't.
In non-health related baby news- we are still not sure about the name. The name that I love is pretty much a no go because my husband's family absolutely hates it. I totally regret opening my mouth up about the name now. My family on the other hand loves it and so do all of my friends. We could just go with that name anyway but I feel like I would get a lot of shit for it. My husband likes a name that I loved during my first pregnancy but he didn't like at that time. The problem with that is that I'm not sure that I really like it anymore. We have a name that we might end up going with because we like it and everyone else seems to be okay with it but I'm still on the fence. The name has gotten pretty popular the past couple of years and I can only see it getting more popular. So yeah- I don't know. We have 10 more weeks to decide.

That is WONDERFUL news. I got for baby's echo ultrasound next Thursday so I'm hoping that I WON'T be labeled high-risk after that appointment. I'm feeling good about it and thinking it won't be a problem, but you never know, right?
ReplyDeleteWe've talked names before...hope you have an easy time deciding on a name. Too bad hubby's family doesn't like it...that's why we don't discuss our names ;)
She will grow into her name... make sure YOU love it and it sounds good when you yell it ( for the sidelines of course, not like we would ever yell at our kids any other times!)
ReplyDeleteHell yeah! That some amazing news, mama! About the name - I say go with what you love, not your family! So many people didn't want us to use the name Lola for various reasons, but I said eff 'em and did it anyway! At the end of the day, y'all are the ones that are going to have to live with it day in and day out. Do you really want a name you just like, because other people are okay with it?! Just my two cents. Again, so glad to hear about the news! I hope you're having a celebratory...something that's really terrible to eat, lol.
ReplyDeleteThat's Awesome! We got a lot of crap when we named our first son (i'm currently pregnant with our second due in september) because no one seemed to like it, but now they all love it and couldn't imagine him being named anything else. I say go with what you like and yes, you may get some flack but it's your choice not theirs! but that's just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm glad she's growing and no GD. We didn't tell anyone his name until he was born since we didn't want any input but our families still gave us plenty of input anyway before he was born. I really hope you pick a name you really love!
ReplyDeleteSuch awesome news, glad to hear everything is going so well. And oh man with the names. We have chosen to keep things a secret until she's born and while it's hard at times because I'm so excited about everything, I'm now glad I have. I don't ever understand why other people feel the need to have such an opinion on what other people are naming their child, but I know that's the reality of things. I'm sure you'll find something that you love and that is honestly all that matters.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear everything is well!! My GD test is on the 17th. I'm nervous. When I was pregnant with Lyla I was like right at the cut off for having it. I hope you can find a name you love.. I honestly don't love the name Adam picked for the baby but it has special meaning for him so I don't say anything..
ReplyDeleteNames are so hard! I didn't open my mouth until we had decided for sure so no one could give their opinion anymore :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy your doing well! I remember me getting close to the end, & just wanting to pop! Names... can't wait to hear it! I like my girl Chelsea's idea... don't say a word until all is done, then everyone has to like it)