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Friday, April 19, 2013

Swing Away

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I love a good fair, carnival or festival. I particularly love small little ones because the lines are short and the prices are cheap. They also have the best cover bands who seem to have the exact taste in music as my dad did on road trips when I was little. Last month (sorry I'm a little behind) we went to a little festival in the park by my parent's house. We have gone every year since my parents bought their house here but this year was the first year that Aubrey was really able to enjoy herself.

I'm happy to say Aubs rode her first carnival ride and absolutely loved it. She went on the ferris wheel and the swings at least a half a dozen times a piece and also rode a bunch of other kiddie rides. Sadly I wasn't able to ride with her because Finley was in her standard spot, strapped to my chest in the Ergo, thankfully Gam was able to fill in. We were a little leery about letting Aubrey go on the swings because they were pretty official but we figured the worst that could happen was that she would cry. She smart enough to know not to jump off when she is 10 feet in the air. She didn't cry at all though, just hung on tight and smiled.

This is fantastic news for me because Joe hates carnival rides. Anything that spins makes his stomach queasy, he is such a baby that one. He is lucky that I love him so much because that would have been a deal breaker had it been anyone else. Maybe Fin will be have a queasy tummy too so she can keep him company while Aubs and I spin until our heart's content.

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1 comment:

  1. How sweet. It is so hard to think of my own baby growing, but I look forward to experiencing these sorts of moments as well.


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