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Monday, February 25, 2013

Adventures with Gam & Granddad

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My parents are snowbirds. They spend their winters in Florida and the rest of their time in Pennsylvania. It has been like this ever since I started having kids which is nice because otherwise my kids wouldn't really know my parents that well. Actually my parents are the only grandparents(we have 3 sets) that Finley will even really allow to hold her because she sees them so much.

This winter we have been trying to do something fun together every week. So far we have gone to the aquarium, the zoo, Busch Gardens and tomorrow we are going to the bigger aquarium. I love it and so do Aubs and Fin. It breaks up our week and gets us out of the house. My parents pretty much take care of Aubs and I walk around with Finley strapped to my chest. The ergo is Finley's happy place so she rarely gives me any trouble as long as she is in it. I have a feeling that this little "adventures" will be very fond memories for my girls(and me) when they are older.

Here are a few pictures I managed to snap at the zoo.

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This guy came right up to the glass and pressed his face against it.

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  1. Grandparents are awesome. It is wonderful that you get to spend so much time with your parents and your girls. Aubrey and Finley will never doubt your parents love them!

  2. I love your pictures especially of the mantee. Did I spell that right? I absolutely love the name, Finley. You don't hear that name very often! Grandparents are the best! ;)



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